About Mecilla
Mecilla Travel expertise in educational specializes in delivering Travel Consultancy and Agency services to university-level or sub-degree level students and teachers through custom designed study tours. We organize visits to leading private and public organizations, and facilitate exchange with management, as well as provide the traditional ticketing, hotel reservation, coach services and travel insurance services.
Mecilla has diversified business interests and operations in the organic agricultural and sustainable apparel industry. Since 2012, we started to leverage our business and government networks into offering the study tour experience for teachers and students. Mecilla has helped plan and execute study tours for clients such as VTC and Hong Kong Polytechnic universities to such places as China, Korea, Japan, Australia in the past 4 years. We also help build strategic partnership among our clients and partners for long-term development for students and teachers in Hong Kong.
In 2019, Mecilla will continue to strengthen ourselves to meet the increasing demand for in-depth industry educational experience for degree colleges as well as high schools in Hong Kong and later China.The Mission of creating sustainable educational programmes through collaborations with education institutions, NGOs and community organizations enable Mecilla Travel to transfer its knowledge from business practices to the wider community, and in doing so, create positive social impact.
Mecilla takes urban dwellers such as students, teachers, food and fashion brand buyers into rural areas and supply chain facilities.
Mecilla partners with various educational institutes and fashion brands to run study visit programs, taking urban dwellers such as students, teachers, food and fashion brand buyers into rural areas and supply chain facilities to be exposed to the food and apparel making process.